Carol Danvers

Captain Marvel MEGA EPISODE (Best Captain Marvel Stories, Ms. Marvel & Captain Marvel: Higher Faster Further More)

Embark on a cosmic journey through the Marvel Universe, exploring the incredible legacy of Captain Marvel and The Marvels. Join us as we revisit our Best Captain Marvel Stories, the Ms. Marvel episode & a book club on Captain Marvel: Higher Faster Further More!) This MEGA EPISODE is tailor-made for Marvel aficionados. Dive into the legacy of Carol Danvers and more – only here!

GHL 2 - Ms. Marvel

Many women have been called Ms. Marvel. Carol Danvers and Kamala Khan are just two women who have harnessed the cosmic power. With the launch of Ms. Marvel #1, we thought it was time to peel back the mask of Ms. Marvel, and learn all her secrets. Including her secret connection to The Thing and space babies!!