Star Wars

Geeky Summer Reads

Geeky Summer Reads

Students! Summer is right around the corner (if you, like Professor Jason and Professor Ashley, are based in the Northern Hemisphere). Summertime is a semester at the Mind University and at more traditional learning institutions can be practicum, intern, or preparation time for the fall semester. From horror to Star Wars to high fantasy we have a Summer Reading List for all the geek in you!

Our First Star Wars Celebration

Our First Star Wars Celebration

2022 was the first Star Wars Celebration professors Jason and Ashley ever attended. It was also our first convention since 2019. We break down our experience in Anaheim - everything from event highlights, cool people we ran into, and hacks on how to make the most of your next trip to Star Wars Celebration!

Obi-Wan Kenobi Teaser Trailer Breakdown

Obi-Wan Kenobi Teaser Trailer Breakdown

The first teaser trailer for Obi-Wan Kenobi dropped today and we have a complete trailer breakdown full of Easter Eggs and theories which touch all corners of the Star Wars Universe from the original trilogy to the prequel, Star Wars: Rebels animated storylines, and the action of Jedi: the Fallen Order video game. There is a lot to unpack before Obi-Wan Kenobi hit Disney+ on May 25.